Thursday 5 September 2013

Biker chic

The biker look is no longer just for goth rider chicks. It is no longer just about heavy metal chains and skin tight leather. Designers have recognized the fab potential of this look and are now promoting what I’d like to call the “Biker chic look”. And not just chic as in "girl", "hot lady", Chic, like the french pronounce it, {sheek} .attractive and fashionable; stylish. OK enough with the English lessons!

The key to getting this right is keeping it simple. Biker jackets are so versatile now, they could be worn with dresses, jeans, pants, leggings. Biker boots could be worn with skirts, leggings, pretty much any thing you want!

Check out our picks for biker inspired must-haves! A word of warning: You do not have to know how to ride a bike but you definitely have to have the attitude to carry off this look!

OK, not a fan of Kate Moss's boots, but to each his own, right? So what do y'all think? Ready to go biker chic?

All styles available at SV. Email here for details.

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